Boxovacie vrece Yakimasport 160 x 40 cm


Boxing bag 160 x 40 is  also an ideal choice for people training at home. The height and weight of the boxing bag were made for recreational and fitness training


Poštovné ZDARMA pri nákupe nad 100€ na 99% tovaru okrem nadrozmerných položiek
Vrátenie tovaru do 14 dní ZDARMA
Výrobky Yakimasport sú pre svoju kvalitu obľúbené u známych športovcov a v športových kluboch
Katalógové číslo: 100473 Kategórie: ,


The box bag is mainly intended for home use. This weight and size of the boxing bag ensures adequate comfort during training, especially for those who hang them in apartments or small gyms.

Height: 160 cm

Total length of box bag + chain: 190 cm 

Diameter: 50 cm

Circumference: approx. 120 cm

Weight after filling: approx. 40 kg

Included in the price is a four-arm metal chain for hanging the punching bag and a set for fixing it to the wall.

WARNING!!! Punching bag in variant without filling. 

Suitable materials for filling are: textile scraps, or pieces of fabric, foam, etc.

Unsuitable are: sand, hard objects, objects with sharp edges,…

In the case of a full bag order, delivery may be extended by a few days due to filling.

Since this is an oversized item, free shipping applies to a full bag for purchases over €250

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